What is the purpose of"Annual Indigenous Calender"
This "Annual Indigenous Calender" is a great tool for educators and organisations trying to educate and create greater Indigenous cultual awareness in the workplace. It has been designed and organised to give users instant access to resources and specfic information on key Indigenous dates, without the fuss of you doing all the research and creating all the resources yourself.
Is it easy to access?
Yes it is. Once you have puchased this product, it can be found on your login profile. It can be accessed on a smart phone and/or desktop.
How long do I get access to it for?
12 months from purchase.
How do I give product access to other employees in my organisation?
If you have puchased the Bundle Plus for unlimited users, you will get an email that will give you step by step details on how to give access to others. If you have not recieved that email within 10 miniutes from purchase (Remember to check your junk mail) email us, and we will resend those details to you.
How often is new Indigenous event dates added?
Each year.
I cant find a topic or date I am looking for, can I request to have it added?
Yes you can. These requests will be responded to within 2 working days. Changes and additions are made usually within each quarter.
If I am having a techical difficulty, what should I do?
Please email [email protected] or send a message at the top of the screen using the "Contact " tab and we will respond to you within 24-48 hours